Who you callin’ bitches


Commence piling on. If love, respect and humanity should be the bedrock of society then why are you calling people bitches? I know it’s hip and everything but what’s it got to do with love respect n humanity?

Also, how does “equality” come into it? What do “pronouns” have to do with equality?

In reality, nothing. In the jargon-world these two apparently inhabit, part of “equality” is bespoke pronouns and forcing everyone else to use those bespoke pronouns. How they get there, though, remains obscure.

And then from the Jason Michael tweet, what does treating other human beings with love, dignity and respect have to do with pronouns?

In reality, nothing. In the jargon-world these two apparently inhabit, it’s dignity and respect and even love to use bespoke third-person pronouns that don’t match the sex of the bespoke pronoun-haver. See? It’s a touch confusing and remote, isn’t it.

Also, by the way, why is it so often “love” that gets dragged in along with respect? I don’t recall feminism ever demanding “love” from the world at large. If anything feminism has always wanted a little less “love” (and a lot less groping) and more respect. Demanding “love” is bizarre, because social justice is social, not personal. Justice, equality, fairness, rights – none of those are about “love,” and they can’t possibly depend on them, because nobody can possibly “love” everyone, just because of a command or a principle or a movement. Love is a big step too far. We get to have rights and justice even if we’re not lovable; they’re not earned, they’re rights.

I wonder if this weird mission-creep is connected to the way trans-activism is so heavily tilted toward trans women. I wonder if it’s connected to the way trans women are necessarily self-conscious about being womany in a way that women mostly are not, because we just are women, whether we fit the stereotypes or not. I wonder if these trans women and their “allies” are thinking of women as all squishy and gooey and sentimental and thus in need of being told “we love you” all the time, and thus in trying to be womany themselves they beg us to “love” them, just as women normally do.

Except we don’t.

We don’t demand love, and we don’t answer to “bitches.”

Complicated, aren’t we.

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