What is needed is some honesty

Maajid Nawaz has a public Facebook post on Islam and denial. It’s related to this CNN video in which Sam Harris  and Dean Obeidallah talk to Don Lemon:

Denial Helps No One

This debate between Sam Harris and my fellow Muslim Dean Obeidallah sums up the problem we liberal, reforming Muslims face.

Dear Dean, chopping off hands for theft (5:38) whipping ‘fornicators’ (24:2) and crucifixion as political punishment (5:33) as ISIS, Saudi Arabia and Iran do, are all passages found in the Qur’an.

What Sam mentioned, killing gays, is ostensibly commanded in numerous Hadith (a secondary holy source for the overwhelming majority of Muslims) including “Kill the doer and the receiver” (Tirmidhi).

In the age of the Internet, we cannot simply deny all of this on national television, and then wonder why people do not trust Muslims.

No, what is needed is some honesty. Honesty that we Muslims today have a disproportionate problem with vacuous literalism. Honesty that the scripture itself can be – and is – used to justify medieval barbarism. And honesty that those scriptures must be looked at by our theologians for the purpose of fundamental, systematic reform.

Ideas, holy texts and what’s written in them matter.

He’s right. The same is true of reactionary Christianity, and there’s no point denying that either. Books declared “holy” matter, because many people believe they really are holy and must be obeyed.

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