
This is a small thing, but telling.

Photo and video crews were stymied in their attempts to film President Trump on a golf course Wednesday, an apparent response to CNN’s recent footage of the commander-in-chief on the links.

As the president completed another round at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, a large white truck obscured nearby journalists — who were positioned on public property — from getting a shot of Trump on their cameras.

When CNN’s photojournalist moved his camera, the truck likewise moved, blocking the picture.

On Tuesday, CNN recorded a shot of the president on the course in West Palm Beach. The network did the same on Saturday and Sunday, shooting the footage through a gap in the hedges while positioned on a public sidewalk.

The Secret Service said it wasn’t the Secret Service. The Palm Beach County sheriff’s office said it wasn’t the Palm Beach County sheriff’s office. “A White House spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment” – and I’m betting the White House spokesperson did not respond in the fullness of time, either. I think we get to conclude that it was Trump’s gang who shielded his golfing self from view.

Wednesday’s outing marked the 87th day Trump has spent at one of his golf properties since taking office.

87 out of about 240 – so more than a third.

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