The Wordsworth of Trumpism

Jan 2nd, 2019 10:35 am | By

Elinor Lipman has another of her brilliant short topical poems:

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Manly men build walls

Jan 2nd, 2019 10:22 am | By

The Times editorial board is disgusted with Trump and his shutdown. One, he’s messing up the lives of thousands of workers; two, he’s doing it not to Protect Our Security but to defend his ego; three, he’s an asshole.

With even a quick peek beyond his bubble, the president could learn much about the legions of government employees and contractors who spent the holiday season agonizing over how to cover their next mortgage payment or electric bill or trip to the grocery store if this political charade drags on much longer.

He could, but it wouldn’t make any difference if he did; he does not care.

If Mr. Trump would take the time to check in with what’s happening

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Jan 2nd, 2019 9:38 am | By

Back in September

India’s supreme court has ruled against a ban on girls and women of menstruating age from entering a prominent Hindu temple in southern Kerala state, upholding rights to equality of worship.

The authorities at the Sabarimala temple, which attracts tens of millions of pilgrims every year, have said the ban on women and girls aged from 10 to 50 was essential to the rites related to the temple’s chief deity, Ayyappan, who is considered eternally celibate, and were rooted in a centuries-old tradition.

Yes, so much suppression and exclusion of women is rooted in a centuries-old tradition. It’s been a centuries-old tradition to treat women as the property of men and as fundamentally insignificant for millennia. … Read the rest

The five million

Jan 1st, 2019 3:34 pm | By

News from Kerala:

Women in the southern Indian state of Kerala have formed a 620km (385-mile) human chain “in support of gender equality”, amid a row over access to a prominent Hindu temple.

The Sabarimala shrine was historically closed to women of “menstruating age” – defined as between 10 and 50.

Because they’re dirty? Because they can be impregnated? Both? Is there any difference?

It’s interesting, isn’t it, as an aspect of human nature, that the thing most humans probably value above all others, to wit the ability to keep the species going, the tribe going, the village going, the family going…is also the thing that is seen as dirty, disgusting, contaminating. Women are magical because they can make … Read the rest

Radical feminists are evil, rapists are cool

Jan 1st, 2019 12:00 pm | By

Twitter bans Meghan Murphy for saying true things about Jonathan Yaniv, but refuses to do anything about a rapist who uses Twitter as a tool for collecting victims. Interesting priorities.

The Twitter account for a rapist photographer has finally been removed after a judge had to order the company to take action.

Nigel Wilkinson was recently convicted for a second time after drugging and raping young men he had lured with free photoshoots.

After Twitter initially failed to remove his account, the judge in the case issued the order forcing the firm to take it down.

In 2016, he was jailed for 11 years and six months for a series of sex offences.

The court heard he preyed

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Rainbow mermaid bro

Jan 1st, 2019 11:41 am | By

So much woke bro.

Funny how hating women is the new right-on, isn’t it.

Jan 2: updating to add: account suspended. Those tweets will never appear again!

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Known for big, dumb mouth

Jan 1st, 2019 11:17 am | By

Why did Cyrus Trump fling that tweet full of childish insults at McChrystal? Because McChrystal pointed out that Cyrus Trump doesn’t tell the truth.

“‘General’ McChrystal got fired like a dog by Obama,” Trump tweeted Tuesday morning. “Last assignment a total bust. Known for big, dumb mouth. Hillary lover!”

Trump was retweeting a post from Fox News’ Laura Ingraham sharing a story headlined “Media Didn’t Like McChrystal Until He Started Bashing Trump.”

The commander in chief’s name-calling comes after McChrystal said during an interview Sunday that Trump was dishonest and immoral.

“I don’t think he tells the truth,” McChrystal told ABC’s Martha Raddatz on “This Week.” When asked if he thought Trump was immoral, McChrystal responded: “I think he

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The return of King Cyrus

Jan 1st, 2019 10:46 am | By

Katherine Stewart points out that some militant Christians see Trump as a new King Cyrus.

Cyrus, in case you’ve forgotten, was born in the sixth century B.C.E. and became the first emperor of Persia. Isaiah 45 celebrates Cyrus for freeing a population of Jews who were held captive in Babylon. Cyrus is the model for a nonbeliever appointed by God as a vessel for the purposes of the faithful.

The point is, you see, that it doesn’t matter whether Cyrus is a good person or not, the point is what he does for The Believers, who are the only people who matter.

As the Trump presidency falls under siege on multiple fronts, it has become increasingly clear that the

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Messages from a padded cell

Jan 1st, 2019 10:14 am | By

25th Amendment time. Seriously.

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