Top Three

A thread by Sarah Phillimore on the Fair Cop judicial review:

Home again after a hectic two days at #FairCopJR. Feel a lot more optimistic tonight than I did this morning. It’s hard to pick favourite moments out of so many but my Top Three have to be:

1. Judicial recognition that TERF is a slur
2. Both College of Policing and Humberside making it clear they didn’t understand the Equality Act
3. The carefully redacted document that was hiding the fact that the ‘victim’ had used hateful language herself

But the – possibly unseemly – glee provoked by watching someone stuff up their own case, line by line is tempered by the growing realisation that the Government have farmed out policy on such important areas to axe grinding pressure groups.

And that if more people don’t wake up, and soon then we risk huge damage to the rule of law and the structure of our society. Are the judiciary the last line of defence? I think they might be. I will await the judgment with great interest.

And well done to all @WeAreFairCop. Proof that we are greater than the sum of our parts and everyone has played to their strengths. I have learned a lot about the power of collaboration.

So I guess she is one of the Fair Cop team. Good on her, and them.

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