A person like him that’s not mean
The Guardian’s David Smith also just asked Donald Trump at the White House what he thought of Elizabeth Warren dropping out of the race for the Democratic nomination yesterday, after a very disappointing performance in the Super Tuesday primaries across 14 states (she did not win any and came third in her home state of Massachusetts).
Boom! Like taking a doctor’s hammer on the knee, those misogynistic Trumpian reflexes shot up.
“I think lack of talent was her problem,” he said, of one of the most talented figures in the Democratic party and the US Senate.
While he is not one of the least talented figures in anything but THE least talented figure in anything.
“She was a tremendous debater, she destroyed Mike Bloomberg very quickly,” he said, of Bloomberg’s first debate with his Democratic rivals, earlier this year, when Warren skewered him on his track record of discrimination lawsuits from women employees and sexist jokes, leaving the former New York mayor and billionaire gasping.
But of course the irony is that there’s nothing Trump loathes more, is viscerally repelled by, than a strong debating female…..
He went on: “But people don’t like her. She is a mean person. They like a person like me that’s not mean.”

He’s just miffed that he won’t get to loom at her.
I’ll go out on a limb and say that it is unlikely that Donald Trump (the mean one or the not mean one, you pick) will never have a line for voters to take selfies with his dog. Especially since he doesn’t have a dog.
She is so not mean. But she said (true) things about DJT he didn’t like, so mean.