Oh good, another “how about injecting bleach to kill the virus?” moment.
ORBITS: Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) asks whether the Forest Service or the BLM can alter the orbit of the moon or the Earth in order to fight climate change during a House Natural Resources hearing pic.twitter.com/yYiOyi2cMZ
Too much science fiction, not enough science. Makes me wonder if people even know the difference anymore. Maybe Captain Picard can get Geordi to extend a warp field over the moon and change it’s gravity or something. :P
Burnishing his “Dumbest Guy in Congress” credentials.
Besides the sheer stupidity of the question, I think this also shows the conservative mindset on this issue. Do anything, so long as I don’t have to do anything. Let’s think of a simple solution that someone else implements, insist that it solves the problem so I don’t have to think about it anymore, and totally ignore any potential side effects of the proposed solution. It’s someone else’s problem.
(Yes, liberals also propose grandiose solutions that cause all sorts of other problems, as we here are only too aware.)
Moving the moon (which is actually in motion, so I presume they mean changing the orbit in relationship to the Earth) would have a lot of repercussions here on Earth. Mess up the tides? Check. Stupid idea? Check.
Too much science fiction, not enough science. Makes me wonder if people even know the difference anymore. Maybe Captain Picard can get Geordi to extend a warp field over the moon and change it’s gravity or something. :P
Her look: priceless.
Yeah, she didn’t say “what a dipshit”, but she was sure thinking it. lmao…
Burnishing his “Dumbest Guy in Congress” credentials.
Besides the sheer stupidity of the question, I think this also shows the conservative mindset on this issue. Do anything, so long as I don’t have to do anything. Let’s think of a simple solution that someone else implements, insist that it solves the problem so I don’t have to think about it anymore, and totally ignore any potential side effects of the proposed solution. It’s someone else’s problem.
(Yes, liberals also propose grandiose solutions that cause all sorts of other problems, as we here are only too aware.)
“I would have to follow up with you on that one, Mr. Gohmert” should become the official insult of 2021.
Well, Black Lives Matter is pretty powerful, but I don’t think they can move the moon.
(Yes, I know he meant Bureau of Land Management. As if that’s any less ridiculous.)
Perhaps they should get the Space Force on the job.
Good thing we have those Jewish space lasers. If they can start forest fires in California, surely they can move the moon.
Maybe Greene can go blow it into alignment, she’s quite the windbag. Maybe her and Trump together in the Space Force executive rocketship. :P
Moving the moon (which is actually in motion, so I presume they mean changing the orbit in relationship to the Earth) would have a lot of repercussions here on Earth. Mess up the tides? Check. Stupid idea? Check.
Don’t fret, I’m sure the International Earth Rotation Service can compensate for any trivial side effects!