He was only teasing

The threats were just playful.

A New York City man charged with making online threats to murder members of Congress told a jury on Tuesday that the threats weren’t meant to be taken seriously.

Brendan Hunt acknowledged he had written the online statements but dismissed them as “blather” produced under the influence of marijuana and alcohol.

“I was really just letting off steam,” Hunt said, according to The Associated Press. “It was really more online blather than anything else.”

On Dec. 6 he allegedly wrote on Facebook: “Trump, we want actual revenge on democrats. Meaning, we want you to hold a public execution of pelosi aoc schumer etc. And if you dont do it, the citizenry will. We’re not voting in another rigged election. Start up the firing squads, mow down these commies, and lets take america back!”

The FBI said two days after the Capitol riot, Hunt posted a video of the assault titled “KILL YOUR SENATORS.” In a rambling narration he called on people to show up at the “so-called” inauguration of Joe Biden with guns to “put some bullets in their fucking heads.”

The jury found him guilty today.

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