Party games

Boris Johnson partied right after telling everyone not to party.

On Tuesday last week, the British tabloid newspaper, the Mirror, published a story that claimed parties had been held at Johnson’s Downing Street residence in the run-up to Christmas last year.

One of the events was said to have taken place on 18 December, with dozens of people drinking wine and playing party games.

There was one major problem with this: London had just been placed under new restrictions to stop the spread of coronavirus. Last December, Covid was spreading rapidly, hundreds of people were dying every day, and Johnson’s government had told people that parties were no longer allowed.

Yes but he told people – as in he told the servants. He’s not people, he’s Boris Johnson.

The story was fading out but then there was leaked video of a practice press conference, at which someone asked a senior adviser about the party and she completely blew it.

Today was prime minister’s question time and it was awkward.

Johnson insisted he had no personal knowledge of any party, saying: “I repeat that I have been repeatedly assured since these allegations emerged that there was no party, and that no Covid rules were broken.”

Everyone laughed.

But, you know – it’s like Trump. Everyone laughs but the sinister clowns keep popping back up.

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