The manager called

This is the guy who called Marion “terf” and told her to finish her drink and get out:

His profile self-description is…candid:

AGP porn addict male, cumbrained, submissive, moisturised and in my lane

they/she siad/sí

‘power brat & feral’

mildly nsfw

Porn addicted autogynephile man tells woman to get out of restaurant/pub because she’s a Known Feminist and he recognizes her.

He told his story last night:

From what I gather that bit is true – someone(s) in the group left flyers in the toilet (the restroom to USians, not the plumbing fixture itself) and pubs and restaurants in general do have rules against that and any other kind of solicitation.

Yes how dare they not meekly accept being thrown out of a pub because the employees dislike their opinions. (Punishment for leaving flyers in the loo isn’t ejection, it’s being told it’s not allowed.)

Yes so entitled – what a nerve. Much like these terrible people, yes?

Woolworth's Lunch Counter - Separate Is Not Equal

Greensboro Woolworths lunch counter, February 1 1960.

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