Anyone who does even cursory research on the “trans murder epidemic” quickly realizes that the vast majority of these are not hate crimes. Trans people usually get murdered for the same reasons as anyone else—DV, drugs, random bad luck etc. HRC won’t say this but it’s true.
One of the more fucked up aspects of activists/journalists/etc who spread the false narrative of the “trans murder epidemic” is that they are terrifying the exact population they claim to want to protect. It’s not helpful to tell people they’re at risk when they aren’t. Stop it!
Well it’s not helpful to trans people but it’s very helpful to the rabid “allies” in whipping other “allies” into a frenzy of rage at those evil radical feminists.
Last thing on this: Even if there were a trans murder epidemic (and there is not), the people doing the killing would not be reading Jesse Singal. FIN.
If you hear day in and day out that you are going to be killed just because of your very existence it very well may limit how you live your life. Scaring people unnecessarily does not make you a good ally. It makes you an asshole.
Add to that the promotion of suicidal ideation. Trans identified people are expected to kill themselves if they don’t get their way. I don’t know that this would influence many disphoric kids to attempt to kill themselves, but if it leads any to do this, it’s too many. The activists promoting this probably aren’t at risk themselves, but those unfortunate people who do take their own lives, they get to be used as martyrs to the cause, comorbidities be damned.
I recall this argument playing out on Mano’s blog. One of the usuals, Silentbob maybe, linked a page listing the known US victims of the trans murder ‘epidemic’. Even before crunching the numbers, a quick glance down the page showed that about 90% of the trans people killed were black, and all but one (iirc) of the remainder were hispanic. But no, race did not play a role in their murders – they were definitely killed specifically for being trans. I was assured the numbers were too large to be accounted for by anything other than an anti-trans murder epidemic.
Except… once crunching the numbers, as usual, they turned out to show a murder rate drastically less than expected for their population proportion. About half what was expected, if memory serves. *google* Nope, less than a third.
Holms: Never let facts get in the way of religion, sayeth the believers.
A friend responded to my skepticism with a “what about all the intersex babies who are (oppressed) assigned a sex at birth.” I asked for a number. It was .04% of births. .04%…and as we all know 99% of the “trans” community are NOT intersex.
But hey, mentioning this kind of fact makes one a right wing hater. Or so sayeth the comment section at Friendly Atheist. (Should it be renamed Friendly Woketheist?)
Friendly Atheist rather prides itself on the ability to recognize nuances in positions and see the other side. Despite being an atheist blog, one of the Contributors is a Christian (Beth.) Unlike some other similar sites, people are not automatically thrown out for arguing contrary to the OP, or to the majority. They even had a long-term regular who disagreed with Gender Identity doctrine and, when the topic specifically came up, politely argued against its precepts. This went on for well over a year, one regular commenter against everyone else, and it was tolerated.
Then I got banned.
Now it’s even: everyone on one side. Or else. Turns out I wasn’t changing my mind, which meant I wasn’t listening. And my arguments were repetitive and bad.
They should at least have kept me around as a bad example, seems to me. And I never did get a decent definition of the word “woman.” I was hoping they’d eventually crack and toss it to me, seeing as the entire argument hinges on it so they must have been keeping it somewhere — clear, simple, and convincing. But no.
Add to that the promotion of suicidal ideation. Trans identified people are expected to kill themselves if they don’t get their way. I don’t know that this would influence many disphoric kids to attempt to kill themselves, but if it leads any to do this, it’s too many. The activists promoting this probably aren’t at risk themselves, but those unfortunate people who do take their own lives, they get to be used as martyrs to the cause, comorbidities be damned.
At least 35? Oh my stars, 35 out of an ever increasing population? There’s probably been about as many Super Robot Wars fans murdered this year…
I recall this argument playing out on Mano’s blog. One of the usuals, Silentbob maybe, linked a page listing the known US victims of the trans murder ‘epidemic’. Even before crunching the numbers, a quick glance down the page showed that about 90% of the trans people killed were black, and all but one (iirc) of the remainder were hispanic. But no, race did not play a role in their murders – they were definitely killed specifically for being trans. I was assured the numbers were too large to be accounted for by anything other than an anti-trans murder epidemic.
Except… once crunching the numbers, as usual, they turned out to show a murder rate drastically less than expected for their population proportion. About half what was expected, if memory serves. *google* Nope, less than a third.
Holms: Never let facts get in the way of religion, sayeth the believers.
A friend responded to my skepticism with a “what about all the intersex babies who are (oppressed) assigned a sex at birth.” I asked for a number. It was .04% of births. .04%…and as we all know 99% of the “trans” community are NOT intersex.
But hey, mentioning this kind of fact makes one a right wing hater. Or so sayeth the comment section at Friendly Atheist. (Should it be renamed Friendly Woketheist?)
@Brian M;
Friendly Atheist rather prides itself on the ability to recognize nuances in positions and see the other side. Despite being an atheist blog, one of the Contributors is a Christian (Beth.) Unlike some other similar sites, people are not automatically thrown out for arguing contrary to the OP, or to the majority. They even had a long-term regular who disagreed with Gender Identity doctrine and, when the topic specifically came up, politely argued against its precepts. This went on for well over a year, one regular commenter against everyone else, and it was tolerated.
Then I got banned.
Now it’s even: everyone on one side. Or else. Turns out I wasn’t changing my mind, which meant I wasn’t listening. And my arguments were repetitive and bad.
They should at least have kept me around as a bad example, seems to me. And I never did get a decent definition of the word “woman.” I was hoping they’d eventually crack and toss it to me, seeing as the entire argument hinges on it so they must have been keeping it somewhere — clear, simple, and convincing. But no.
Lost my chance.
I think Katie Herzog just committed literal violence.