A drop of around 30%

Medscape tells us:

Media coverage of transgender healthcare judged to be “negative” was associated with a drop of around 30% in referral rates to gender identity clinics in Sweden among young people under age 19, a new study indicates.

“Associated with”=correlation as opposed to causation.

Malin Indremo, MS, from the Department of Neuroscience, Uppsala University, Sweden, and colleagues explored the effect of the documentaries, “The Trans Train and Teenage Girls,” which they explain was a “Swedish public service television show” representing “investigative journalism.” The two-part documentary series was aired in Sweden in April 2019 and October 2019, respectively, and is now available in English on YouTube.

In their article published online in JAMA Network Open, the authors say they consider “The Trans Train” programs to be “negative” media coverage because the “documentaries addressed the distinct increase among adolescents referred to gender identity clinics in recent years. Two young adults who regretted their transition and parents of transgender individuals who questioned the clinics’ assessments of their children were interviewed, and concerns were raised about whether gender-confirming treatments are based on sufficient scientific evidence.”

The programs, they suggest, may have influenced and jeopardized young transgender individuals’ access to transgender-specific healthcare.

Sooooo they think adolescents should be making drastic changes to their bodies without considering the risks and potential regrets. Interesting.

Which is the real jeopardy? Thinking seriously about the long-term effects of “gender-confirming” treatments? Or rushing to get “gender-confirming treatments” without doing any serious thinking?

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