
A quota for non-binary party officials

A letter to the Glinner update from Matt Osborne:

Mr. Linehan,

The following comment from an Alabama Democratic Party insider was just passed along to me:

“How are we going to talk to voters with a straight face after setting a quota for non-binary party officials?”

I have been sounding the alarm all this time, and now the pigeons are coming home to roost. This midterm election year is going to be awful for Democrats. I was just discussing the poor polling on all this gobbledygook with my local-political friends and said “every time another man cheats women out of their sports, Democrats lose ten House seats.” One of them responded by conveying that comment, which is less than a day old.

It’s a desperately sad joke, isn’t it. We have climate change and a pandemic and the usual life or death matters to deal with, including the continuation of democracy itself, and we could lose everything because of this stupid frivolous narcissistic belief system that lets grown men pretend to be women and push real women off the cliff in the process. It’s Swift’s boiled eggs all over again.

H/t Sackbut

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