All a man has to do

Eva Kurilova at Reduxx tells us:

In their push to destroy female sports, gender activists have dropped any veneer of concern about keeping sporting competitions fair and safe for female athletes.

On September 26, Biathlon Canada introduced a new policy on gender inclusion that allows men unrestricted access to the female category on the basis of self-declared gender identity. In other words, all a man has to do is say he is a woman, and he’s allowed to cheat his way to a female athlete’s spot on the podium.

According to the Biathlon Canada website, the policy was passed with the unanimous approval of the board of directors and is intended to outline “how the organization will create respectful and inclusive environments for participation that value the individual’s gender identity and gender expression.”

But by doing that the organization will create insulting and hostile environments that disvalue the individual’s sex. Most people don’t claim to have a “gender identity” that contradicts their sex, so it’s not at all clear why any athletic organization would decide to pamper gender identity while ruining women’s sports.

The policy is five pages of drivel about gender idenniny.

Where one might expect to see references to studies and data about sport performance, the document instead presents readers with a Gender Unicorn to use as a “framework of understanding the different categories of human identities.”

In other words a childish cartoon. “Yo ladies we’re driving a tank through your sport and here’s an adorable cartoon to explain why.”

It’s so fucking insulting it’s beyond belief.

Let it sink in that a sporting organization is using a purple cartoon unicorn to explain a policy that strips the female category of all protections.

It has sunk in. The result is a lava flow of rage.

In the Biathlon Canada Gender Inclusion Policy – Information Document & FAQ, the organization further asserts that, “for any competition that falls under Biathlon Canada’s jurisdiction, participants will compete in the gender category that is the most gender affirming and/or safest for them.”

But that’s an attempt to square the circle. You can’t do both. If you pick “gender affirming” as Biathlon Canada has then you make it literally impossible for women to compete in the gender category that is the safest for them. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.

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