Little bears

“Activism” in Brussels:

A mysterious “Ursula collective” violently tried to prevent the holding of a conference by Céline Masson and Caroline Eliacheff on the excesses of the trans movement, at the Café Laïque in Brussels.

It’s a machine translation so excuse the stiltedness. Café Laïque=Secular Café.

The subject was appropriate: while two French speakers were invited Thursday evening to the Café Laïque in Brussels to discuss the ” excesses of the transgender movement “, around twenty young activists came to walk the talk and concretely illustrate the intolerance that is sometimes blamed on their cause.

And in came some men to throw shit at women. How illustrative.

The associative café received child psychiatrist Caroline Eliacheff and Professor Céline Masson about their latest essay, La Fabrique de l’enfant transgenre (Observatory editions) which warns about the psychological conditioning of minors confronted with the obsession of certain caregivers around “gender dysphoria”. A commitment that earned them to be regularly taken to task by activists of the transgender movement, for whom the two French intellectuals are “transphobic“. 

The organizers were told to cancel the event or face consequences.

After half an hour of conference, and taking advantage of the fact that the door of the establishment, locked as a precaution, was reopened by a person out to telephone in the street, they signaled to about twenty individuals hooded men who violently engulfed themselves in the cafe. The small group of activists then threw terracotta pots containing litter and excrement at the public, which numbered around twenty-five people, while shouting slogans hostile to the association “The Little Mermaid”, founded by Céline Masson and Caroline Eliacheff.

Men throwing shit at women. Plus ça change eh?

After the throwing of fecal matter, they overturned the chairs, jostled everyone and tried to approach the back of the room, before people intervened to prevent them from attacking the speakers”, Florence Bergeaud-Blackler tells Le Figaro, who says she is “shocked” by this unprecedented attack against her associative establishment.

They’re always the ones engaging in violence – jostling, shoving, throwing, grabbing, punching, kicking, smashing, ripping, stomping. Wouldn’t you think eventually they would notice the pattern and wonder if they’re really the good guys here?

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