Urban wildlife
I took my dog friend/client to Union Bay Natural Area this afternoon. It’s on top of what used to be a garbage dump but is now teeming with wildlife.

The trees were bare, unlike in this photo, but you can see what it’s like. On our way in I thought I saw an eagle perched up ahead then decided nah then decided oh, yes it is, and it was. Looking around, and then grooming under a wing. Cooper and I kept going after I watched the eagle for a while, and we were somewhere along this trail in the photo when I saw a couple of swans fly by, and then saw a whole group of them on the water. I counted at least 13, so there are at least 15 hanging out there. I didn’t know they stopped off in Seattle at all. Not too shabby.
I googled later and found a bird watcher’s log: they’re Trumpeter Swans. He saw 16.
Sixteen is definitely the right number to see.
That is an excellent site for birding in the Spring, especially water fowl. I was in a college course at that time of year, and the professor and TA pointed out one species after another. It got me into birding a little, which I consider one of the most valuable and enjoyable wastes of time. My Sibley guide is well-loved.
Excellent and always improving – the Urban Hort people are adding trees like crazy. Also there’s that fine new trail through Yesler Swamp, on the far side of Urban Hort.