A number of meanings

Steerpike at the Spectator has more:

In the past fortnight, pro-Palestine marches in London have attracted some unseemly elements to their cause. One such example was offered today at an event for Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir in central London. After one speaker asked the crowd ‘What is the solution to liberate people in the concentration camp of Palestine?’ a chant of ‘Jihad, jihad, jihad’ echoed out around the speaker. An incitement for holy war? Surely grounds for a police intervention…

Unfortunately not, it seems. For the Metropolitan Police have now used their overactive Twitter/X account to confirm they will not be taking any action:

“The word jihad has a number of meanings but we know the public will…”

blah blah blah see previous post for the full blah. The Met Police who look fixedly the other way when trans “activists” abuse women also pretend they don’t know what Hizb ut-Tahrir means when it shouts “Jihad jihad jihad.” When in doubt side with male people; when in doubt side with Islamist male people.

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