Inextricably entwined with cultural fads

This is a useful mini-essay.

Karen Carpenter’s tragic battle triggered a social contagion of anorexia; Princess Diana’s public struggle with bulimia had the same effect.

The book Sybil kicked off the multiple personality disorder epidemic in the 80s. Running parallel to that was the Satanic Panic, set off by the book Michelle Remembers. As a result, thousands of lives were destroyed.

As cutting started to appear in movies and TV shows, the number of teens self-harming increased, and when TikTok influencers with Tourette’s launched to fame, adolescent girls began experiencing TikTok tics.

Mental illnesses are inextricably entwined with the cultural fads and whims of the era in which they arise. Our celebration of the likes of Jazz Jennings and Ellen Page captures the minds of young people, plants the dangerous idea that the discomfort and anguish of puberty can be miraculously solved with drugs and surgeries, sending many down the same devastating path to destruction.

Children and adolescents no more need trans role models than they do anorexic or bulimic role models. Every time we celebrate a celebrity coming out as trans, we sacrifice countless young people to the horror of this medical atrocity.

Seriously. How many wannabe Ellen Pages are out there? I bet it’s quite a few. Horrible.

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