As inclusive and welcoming as possible

A new study has been commissioned.

University of Gloucestershire has been commissioned by UK Athletics (UKA) to lead an important new study around transgender athletes.

Experts from the University will consult with transgender athletes and advocacy groups to examine how the sport of athletics can be as inclusive and welcoming as possible.

The sport of athletics? What does that mean? Is there a single sport called “athletics”?

Pause to consult Google

Yes, there is.

Athletics is a group of sporting events that involves competitive running, jumping, throwing, and walking. The most common types of athletics competitions are track and field, road running, cross-country running, and racewalking.

Ok, got it. So, all stuff that relies on strength and size to do well.

So now the question becomes what do they mean by “how the sport of athletics can be as inclusive and welcoming as possible”?

Unfortunately, we know what they mean. They mean as inclusive and welcoming of men into women’s athletics as possible. That of course entails allowing men to destroy women’s athletics.

Why don’t experts consult with women athletes for a change, to find out how the sport of athletics can continue to have a place for women instead of being for men only? Why don’t they care about that?

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