Guest post: Discrimination is choosing

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on Seeking to balance inclusivity.

It can’t be inclusive at all times though. Competitions can’t be inclusive. The whole point of competitions is that some people win and others lose.

Emotional blackmail using word games. Just as “inclusivity” is not necessarily good, “discrimination” is not always bad. Discrimination is choosing. Choosing a winner distinguishes the winner from all those who did not win, discriminating against them specifically, by design. Even before any official competition, a whole bunch of would-be competitors are removed because they are not good enough to participate. At all. Everybody knows this is how sport works.

Note that the only “inclusivity” trans activists are interested in is that which lets men compete against women in the women’s division. Are they interested in “including” children into adult leagues? No. Do they want to include athletes not good enough to make the cut? No. Do they want to include men not claiming to be “trans” into the women’s division? No. So all the bleating about “inclusivity” is for trans identified males and TiMs alone, so they can beat women and take women’s prizes. They want a special dispensation, a papal sporting indulgence that lets them officially cheat, as much as they want. Specifically, they want to cheat and win. They don’t want anyone else to benefit from the supposed openness and inclusivity they’re demanding for themselves.

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