Guest post: The fundamental divide

Originally a comment by Sastra on Part of a network.

It is important to say these things at the outset of this report because society regularly tells LGBTQ+ people that they are not normal

And right here is the fundamental divide, the problem with coupling homosexuality and gender nonconformity with transgender. The society that regularly tells people who don’t abide by the conventions associated with their sex that they’re perverted, wicked, or sick is not the same part of society which views sex as a biological category we can’t choose to follow or not. The reasoning is completely different. The issue is completely different.

We do not believe that psychics are not normal. We question the existence of psychic powers.

We do not believe that reincarnated people are not normal. We question the existence of reincarnation.

We don’t come up with elaborate excuses for why prophets aren’t really prophesying because we don’t like how they’re different than the rest of us, and so we are disgusted or fearful.

I’ve talked to many people who believe in the paranormal and abilities associated with the paranormal. When I ask them what they think motivates skepticism, they seldom bring up anything having to do with evidence or science. They almost all talk about how skeptics are afraid of what is different. They frame skeptics not accepting ESP the way the SPLC frames critics of gender ideology: through ethics rather than reason. A form of Argumentum ad Hominem.

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