Guest post: Their own load of unclaimed baggage

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on The dog that didn’t bark.

Saying ‘we have evidence’ or ‘there is evidence’ is not the same as presenting evidence. There are a lot of people who claim to have evidence for bigfoot; sure. Show us the evidence. Subject it to rigorous review and repetition to see if the claims hold up. Then you’ll have evidence.

One of the things that many people who argue for the existence of creatures like bigfoot/sasquatch, Mokele-mbembe, or the Loch Ness Monster don’t seem to realize or appreciate is that their claims entail perforce the continued existence through time of an entire population of their preferred cryptid(s). A population and a history. One means more, perhaps many. Now means yesterday, as well as long before. The secretive, hidden existence of a whole bunch of large creatures over long periods of time in the face of multiple, repeated expeditions actively seeking them is much less likely than supposed, impossible singletons. Unless they’re supernatural, any animal needed parents, grandparents, etc. Specimens would have been seen, hunted, eaten and/or stuffed and mounted in museums long ago.

Like the cryptozoologists saddled with bigger claims than they realize they’re defending (an entire breeding population of large animals with an invisible, unevidenced past, rather than just a single, elusive specimen), transgenderists have their own load of unclaimed baggage that they are in no hurry to pick up, apparently happy to leave it circling endlessly on the luggage carousel, hoping that nobody notices it. They depend upon the existence of some kind of gendered soul, but offer no proof of its reality, no physiological origin, or seat of residence, and no reliable, independent test for its presence or nature, beyond stereotype and affectation. “I slink, therefore I’m Femme.” This smuggling of unacknowledged Cartesian dualism is but one problem that hides within genderist claims. How it is able to accommodate the contradictory and incommensurate states of transgender, gender fluid and nonbinary “identities” within its already ill-defined remit is a question that is left unasked.

At least cryptozoologists go looking for their quarry, they have put their money (or, occasionally, someone else’s) where their mouths are. Genderists are content to leave it all a matter of faith. Vague definitions and verbal slight of hand keep things from getting too real or solid. Mustn’t try dissecting the Mysteries of the Faith. And like the Church of old, they reserve to themselves the right to punish heretics who question that faith.

A serious scientist can risk ruining their career if they admit to believing in cryptids, though the consequences for doing so do not spread much farther than their own livelihood and credibility. There are plenty of serious scientists who seem quite happy to believe in genderist claims; it is often the unbelievers who are at risk of sanction and ostracism.

Eventually, however, reality will win because it persists and endures. It will still be there long after the tweets that don’t age well, and the slanted, dishonest reportage that tries to obscure it. It only has to do nothing but wait. In the meantime there is real harm. Reality can’t win fast enough. The consequences of this belief, and its translation into practice, go far beyond those who espouse it. Yes, their reputations will eventually suffer because Reality (see above). If this were a battle that consisted solely of heated arguments by cloistered devotees hurling incomprehensible arguments at each other within the pages of obscure journals, we could safely ignore them. But the power of gender ideology reaches much farther than academia. It has gained influence in many of the fundamental institutions of the state and society, and it uses that influence to advance its demands and to punish its perceived enemies. This is academic argument with a body count amongst both proponents and opponents of transgenderism. Those who are seduced, ensnared and say “Yes” to its impossible promises, pay with their flesh and blood and fertility. Those who dare stand up and say “No” to its demands, particularly and especially women, are demonized, vilified, slandered, cancelled, fired, bullied, threatened, harassed, and assaulted. In short, agree or disagree with a transgenderism powerful enough to enforce its will, you lose.

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