He will never be affected by this problem

Women write to the Times to take issue with Martin Samuel’s clueless “be inclusive of cheating men in women’s sports” column.

I am a grassroots runner who has had to compete against males who identify as females for the past eight years. I have lost places in races, prizes and records as a result. As a man, Martin will never be affected by this problem. It is therefore offensive that he deems fairness essential for elite athletes and, in effect, all male athletes, but not for female “fun” runners: we should put the “need for inclusion” above our “competitive priorities”. At what level of competition does Martin deem a female runner worthy of fairness?
Helen Smith, Frodsham, Cheshire

That’s the thing. It’s not ever going to be a problem for men, so how do men manage not to see what a bad look it is to tell women to suck it up? It’s like white people saying racism doesn’t matter, or bosses saying workers don’t need unions.

The vast majority of women like me, for whom sport is hugely important, will never be elite. We compete in amateur events, many now open to all who self-identify as women. It is impossible to compete in amateur cycling now in the UK if you seek a genuinely female-only event. That is devastating. Women and girls are self-excluding as a result.
Tessa McInnes, Leamington Spa

Inclusion isn’t inclusive. Ironic, ain’t it.

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