If I woulda left

Trump is displaying his usual taste and wit.

Donald Trump vowed Saturday to continue running for president even if he were to be convicted as part of the 37-count federal felony indictment that was issued against him this week.

“I’ll never leave,” Trump said in an interview aboard his plane. “Look, if I would have left, I would have left prior to the original race in 2016. That was a rough one. In theory that was not doable.”

Translation: He’ll continue to barge ahead because he’s a deranged narcissist.

While Trump said campaign fundraising had skyrocketed since the indictment was issued, he conceded it was an unwelcome development.

“Nobody wants to be indicted,” said Trump. “I don’t care that my poll numbers went up by a lot. I don’t want to be indicted. I’ve never been indicted. I went through my whole life, now I get indicted every two months. It’s been political.”

Sure it’s been political: he decided to run for a political office that presented him with all sorts of new opportunities to commit crimes. He got elected and duly committed many crimes. Some of them (though not enough) are now catching up with him.

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