In need of assistance

Germaine Greer in peak form.

The man she’s talking to says why not stop spending your time on this and instead say “Ok fine, if you want to come and join us as women then you’re women, come and join us in the bigger struggles.”

Right. Why don’t we all do that? Why don’t we all stop spending our time on our own struggles and instead urge different people, who have different struggles, to come and join us and indeed take our place and push us out? Why not?

Oh well cough cough he doesn’t mean everyone. No no. It’s not that everyone should invite intruders to take over their struggles for them, it’s only women who should do that. Why? Well the reason’s obvious, isn’t it. Because women aren’t good enough. Women aren’t good enough to do their own struggling – we’re too weak, too stupid, too frivolous, too busy shaving our outer labia, too distracted by shoes, too squeaky, too excitable, too treacherous.

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