Leave the men out

How not to do an exhibition on women in revolt:

I wouldn’t say the circled bit makes clear that trans women are centered, but that it makes clear they’re included, which of course they shouldn’t be. Men shouldn’t be included in exhibitions about women, because men are not women. You can’t include men in an exhibition that purports to be about women even slightly without diluting it. It’s just really stupid, frankly, to claim you’re doing a thing about women rebelling and at the same time shove in a sentence about men pretending to be women as if they belonged there. It’s insulting. It can’t not be insulting. It can’t ever be anything but reminding women that we never get to have anything about women and women only, ever again.

Men wanting to be women, claiming to be women, dressing up as women, insisting they are women, are a separate issue from women demanding equal rights. Even if you think such men are an important issue, it’s still a separate issue, and frankly it’s a pretty trivial issue compared to the rights and freedoms of half of humanity.

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