Make it like a Barbie doll’s

Women are getting their genitals carved up to be more porny.

The increasingly popular cosmetic surgical procedure of labiaplasty is a western form of female genital mutilation (FGM), says Caroline de Costa, a professor of obstetrics and gynaecology.

In modern culture, “the desire for labiaplasty is predominantly based on dissatisfaction with genital appearance and not on functional complaints”, says de Costa, adjunct professor at James Cook University in Cairns, Australia, who will be speaking at a Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) alumnae event in Dublin this week. Yet, relatively little is known about variations in the appearance of the labia, so what is perceived as “normal” is influenced by what somebody sees in idealised photographs in mainstream and social media…

Wait what? How many photographs of labia are there in mainstream media?

More exposure to porn and a wider use of Brazilian waxing to remove pubic hair are among the factors believed to be driving the demand for labiaplasty.

Waxing to strip away pubic hair is itself driven by porn. This revolting mutilation is all porn-driven.

Irish cosmetic surgeon Dr Cormac Joyce rejects the argument that labiaplasty is a form of genital “mutilation”. Work on the inner labia, which accounts for about 85 per cent of labiaplasty, is a “really quick, delicate procedure, a trim procedure”, he says, and he cannot imagine any trained plastic surgeon causing nerve damage in that area.

A “trim” ffs – what a porny thing to say! Trimming is for hair and nails, it’s not for bits of flesh, especially not bits of flesh in on around the genitals!

Joyce confirms a growing demand in Ireland for what he says is the fastest-growing cosmetic procedure worldwide. It is carried out under local anaesthetic. The cost varies around the country but women can expect to pay anything between €4,000 and €7,000, depending on what is wanted and which practitioner they choose.

Oh well that’s fine then. It’s a nice little earner.

“It is so popular now; I’m doing two today, four next week. It doesn’t get the press because it’s an intimate topic.” Before leaving the UK to return to Dublin in 2020, he was doing 30-35 labiaplasty procedures every week and has seen numbers climbing here since.


This is a different generation, Joyce says. “They are young women and they know what they want.”

And what they want is what the culture has trained them to want.

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