New York New York

Trump has his Tuesday afternoon blocked out – fly up to New York, get arraigned, fly back to darling Florida to soak up more rays.

Law enforcement officials have told BBC’s US partner, CBS News, that the former president will be escorted by members of the US Secret Service on his way to New York.

I bet they’re thrilled. It’s kind of a novelty, having to escort a ForMer PresiDent to court to be arraigned. Guiness World Record type of thing. Very glamorous and dignified.

A rally for Mr Trump with Republican House Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has been scheduled for noon on Tuesday in New York, calling for supporters to join in “peaceful protest” against the indictment.

Yeah that’s a noble cause. “Let’s protest this greedy lawless scumbag having to face consequences for once. Power to the people criminals!”

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