Not clear but let’s assume anyway

Robin Moira White gets confused from one paragraph to the next.

The stabbing of teenager Brianna Ghey in Warrington is a terrible tragedy for her family and my heart goes out to them. It is not clear whether the fact that she was trans was a factor in the events in Linear Park, Warrington, but shock at her death has rippled through the trans community.

I cannot help but feel this kind of tragedy was waiting to happen. Anyone who followed the Conservative leadership contest will have seen the candidates vying with each other to stoke “debate” over trans people’s lives; and such sentiment is something I, as Britain’s only trans discrimination barrister, have to cope with every day.

So………….”it’s not clear whether being trans was a factor, but being trans was definitely a factor and I have to cope with it every day.” That’s some high-class reasoning right there.

But wait, it gets better! He cites Montgomerie of all people.

Katy Montgomerie, a trans social media commentator, was recently assaulted on a night out with friends, just for being trans. She wrote about it on Twitter.

Monty says a guy threw a drink over him. We don’t know that he’s telling the truth. We don’t even know that he knows the difference between truth and fiction, which is one reason this ideology is so toxic. If he believes he’s a woman he could believe a lot of other bizarre things.

A law lecturer says White should know better. White spits venom.

It escalated.

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