On what planet?

Yesterday trans ideologue Finn MacKay tweeted this photo:

as evidence for this assertion:

If nobody has a gender (apart from trans people) & there is only biological sex & the rest is personality – it’s a bit weird so many men’s personalities are expressed so similarly, same for women. Is this just biological sex?

Women’s personalities are expressed so similarly, MacKay says, pointing to a grotesque photo of seven women dressed up as expensive prostitutes [aka “sex workers”]. We’re supposed to nod in agreement that that’s how women dress, and isn’t it weird that we have such similar personality expressions.

Many people pointed out the utter stupidity of that claim, and were ignored, but Colin Montgomerie gave it a thumbs up and was chucked under the chin.


What planet does MacKay live on? Where feminist women say there are ergonomic reasons for catch me-fuck me shoes? lol! ha, ha, ha?

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