Please see our tiny curt bitter worthless statement

For those who can still see tweets…

Maya’s statement is way better than Center for Global Development’s.

[Updating to add summary:

CGD basically just says here’s our statement, with a link.

Maya replies with “Here’s mine” with her image from the deck of cards, and text saying CGD was ordered to pay etc.

Maya’s basically saying neener neener haha; it’s quite droll.]

The CGD statement:

London – Today, The Center for Global Development (CGD) released the following statement, in relation to the Employment Tribunal judgment in the case brought by Maya Forstater against CGD:

“Following the Employment Tribunal’s remedy judgment, the case brought against CGD, its President, Masood Ahmed, and CGD Europe by Maya Forstater will come to a close.

“CGD has and will continue to strive to maintain a workplace that is welcoming, safe, and inclusive to all.

“The resolution of this case will allow us once again to focus exclusively on our mission: reducing global poverty and inequality through economic research that drives better policy and practice.”

That’s it; that’s the statement.

Too bad they didn’t manage to maintain a workplace that is welcoming, safe, and inclusive to all including women who know that men are not women.

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