Punchy McPuncherson

And speaking of hatred and incitement to violence – heavily filtered man in a dress brandishes his fists in our general direction.

Watcha gonna do, Indy, punch the nearest woman? What’s your point?

He takes us through his morning, which starts with checking Twitter for what people are saying about him.

I dry my hair, do my make-up. Head off to the cafe where I’m writing my book.

And, after ordering my usual pot of Darjeeling, sit down, and open my email.

“Congratulations on being nominated as a 2023 Woman of the Year”.

Congratulations on being even more of an insult to women.

Wow. Considering I live on what is now internationally known as Terf Island – where trans visibility and recognition is close to outlawed – I can’t believe it.

And I know it’s going to infuriate Tory deputy chairman Lee Anderson, GB News, and all the other forms of life that have grown like bacteria since 2018.

No mention of women though, the people he so insultingly tries to replace with his own glorious self.

I re-read the email. The nomination came from a panel of women. Interesting, considering I and the rest of the UK trans population are constantly told that the female population view woman like me as a threat and an offence to their dignity.

We also know perfectly well that there are many captured women.

Instead of moving forwards, Britain has hurtled backwards. It’s now normal to watch or listen to studio debates of non-trans people explaining what trans is, and how awful we are, with nobody trans there. Wouldn’t happen to any other minority.

You’re a white guy, Willz. You’re not an oppressed minority.

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