Score zero

More more more men.

That is some baaaaaaaaaaaad gymnastics in that photo.

The full tweet:

Gymnastics Australia changes guidelines to allow Transgender athletes to compete in the women’s category and for biological males to undress in girls locker rooms and showers. 93% of 800,000 Australians involved in gymnastics are under the age of 12. Under the new rules, biological males will be allowed to compete in whichever category matches their gender identity and will be allowed to wear women’s uniforms. They will also be allowed to undress in women’s locker rooms and showers, regardless of their genitalia. The director for Gymnastics Australia defended the decision saying “Diversity ensures our sport is better for all involved, and we want everyone to feel comfortable and supported as part of the gymnastics community.” Source: Sky News Australia

“Diversity” may make their sport better, but letting men invade women’s sport obviously will make it much much worse.

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