Speaking of “the facts are not relevant”

Alison Phipps has a new paper [pdf] out, so I’ve read a little. It’s every bit as horrible as I expected, and more so. Page 3 –

In January 2019, at a joint panel with far-right think-tank the Heritage Foundation, Women’s Liberation Front board member Kara Dansky claimed that if the US Equality Act (designed to protect sexual orientation and gender identity) was passed, the following would happen:

Male rapists will go to women’s prisons and will likely assault female inmates as has already happened in the UK. Female survivors of rape will be unable to contest male presence in women’s shelters. Men will dominate women’s sports. Girls who would have taken first place will be denied scholastic opportunity. Women who use male pronouns to talk about men may be arrested, fined, and banned from social media platforms. Girls will stay home from school when they have their periods to avoid harassment by boys in mixed sex toilets. Girls and women will no longer have the right to ask for female medical staff or intimate care providers, including elderly or disabled women who are at serious risk of sexual abuse.

Pleas for protection from this dystopia conveniently disregard the fact that in countries that allow gender self-identification, such as Ireland, Malta, Norway and Portugal, none of these things have happened. Because the facts are not relevant – what is really being evoked here is the ‘purity’ and ‘innocence’ defended in white supremacist culture and the sexualization of the ‘rabble’ that stalked fears of anticolonial resistance.

She doesn’t say how she knows “none of these things have happened” in the countries named. We know at least some of them have happened in Ireland (Barbie Kardsashian anyone?) and I suspect Phipps doesn’t actually know they haven’t happened in Malta, Norway, and Portugal. But whether she’s right or not, the leap to the next sentence is simply disgusting. I can’t read her; she’s too loathsome. Page 3 will have to be as far as I got.

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