The Nation misjudged its readers

On the bright side – that appalling article in The Nation is getting absolutely hosed, both on Twitter and in comments on the article. The more scathing the comment the more upvotes it gets. The rare comment that agrees with the article gets a mass of downvotes. This is good news.


May 12, 2023 at 1:24 pm

Sad to see women-hating made respectable.

204 approve, 7 disapprove.

nina rodrigues says:

May 12, 2023 at 7:22 pm

“There is no evidence that trans women have an unfair advantage over the others.” Oh please, there are very good reasons why men cannot compete with women in sports. Darts? Perhaps? I’m not transphobic. I know trans women and trans men. Have you asked yourselves why there’s no one complaining about trans men competing with others in men’s sports? Why women do? What’s the difference? There are difference in endurance, speed, strength, muscles and so on. That’s the way it is. Don’t bully the women for stating the facts.

216 yay, 4 nay.

The most recent and my favorite:

Edward Szewczyk says:

May 13, 2023 at 9:24 pm

Maybe female swimmers become “transphobic” because they work their asses off, getting up at 4:30 every morning to swim God knows how many miles, lift weights & do whatever else they do to prepare & improve, so they resent having their efforts defeated because trans-women, who have the strength, endurance, coordination and athletic ability of men, are creating unfair competition.

194 yes, 3 no.

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