The what pay gap?

Nobel Prize in economics goes to a woman. Guess what her field is.

This year’s Nobel economics prize has been awarded to Claudia Goldin, an American economic historian, for her work on women’s employment and pay.

Prof Goldin’s research uncovered key drivers behind the gender pay gap, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said.

By “gender pay gap” the BBC means the fact that women earn less than men. Funny that it’s so taken for granted they don’t feel a need to spell it out.

And then the punchline:

She is only the third woman to receive the prize, and the first to not share the award with male colleagues.

Gender prize gap innit.

Isn’t it interesting that this kind of thing just goes on and on and on being the case, yet we’re told to consider men who pretend to be women “the most vulnerable” people on the planet? I think it’s interesting. I think it’s interesting that mainstream institutions like the BBC and Parliament and the police and the CPS take it for granted that women are paid less and given prizes less, but jump up and down in hysterics over the supposed agonies of men who pretend to be women.

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