They don’t even get the initial euphoria

Oof, this is a painful read. It’s about the horrifying side effects of “wrong sex hormones on men” as the author puts it, and how systematically it’s been and continues to be concealed. I say it’s painful but I also recommend reading it: it’s very clarifying.

It starts with the effects on feelings as opposed to the body, and finds that they’re a wash for males.

I started to find out what can be expected from the medical interventions for young AMAB (assigned-male-at-birth) trans women like my son. And there, the researchers of the NEJM study are unequivocal about their findings: even among the variables that were finally reported, “depression and anxiety scores decreased…but not among those designated male at birth.”

That’s right. For young men like our son, even those researchers who believe in “full steam ahead with hormones” have nothing optimistic to report. Zip. Nada.

So what about the body?

But so much for patient surveys on their mental outlook and how they feel. How does the body react physiologically to estrogen? To go back to the cocaine analogy I introduced earlier, we do not willy-nilly administer cocaine to patients just because they feel some initial euphoria (which, in the case of estrogen, is ironically conspicuous by its absence). What do the clinical studies on the effect of estrogen on the brain and the body say?

In 2018, researchers from Germany showed that increased estrogen levels are associated with depression in males. No wonder all the patient survey studies, including the latest in the New England Journal of Medicine, showed no improvement in the psychological outlook among males.


It occurs to me that this could be part of the explanation for why the political (or pseudo-political) ideology that underpins this dangerous experiment is so deranged. It’s for and about and largely created by men with severe mental problems. Not that this hasn’t been discussed all along, of course, but still, learning that estrogen likely makes them more depressed than they already were…well, it can’t help the discourse much.

At this point, it is so surreal to see that it is parents like us, coming from fields far removed from biology and medicine, who are taking all their time from their day jobs to go through this research. For many, it has affected our professional and personal lives, not to mention our physical health and well-being.

As for the people who should have been doing this job and acting as gatekeepers – the psychologists, the endocrinologists, the doctors and the nurses, and the entire medical profession – why, they all have resorted to magical thinking and activism and even claiming that “although gender-affirming hormones can cause some irreversible changes,…these effects are primarily cosmetic.”

Shrinking brains, cognitive decline, depression, Alzheimer’s, suicide, cardiovascular diseases, asthma, arthritis, systemic sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, lupus, and other autoimmune diseases – yes, according to the gender “experts,” all these changes from estrogen are “primarily cosmetic!”

So what explains that? I will never understand it.

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