Guest post: Locked into chasing the dragon

Originally a comment by Nullius in Verba on They don’t even get the initial euphoria.

Not that this hasn’t been discussed all along, of course, but still, learning that estrogen likely makes them more depressed than they already were…well, it can’t help the discourse much.

And so they get locked into chasing the dragon with ever increasing medical interventions.

That’s gotta cause some major dissonance. When I finally started getting real help for my social anxiety, the hope that my life would improve by itself gave me a sense of hope and elevated my view of myself, the world, and my place in it. I’m trying to imagine what kind of state I’d be in if the thing I believed was helping was actually making me worse. My tendency has always been to look inward for fault, hence the social anxiety, but if I were the sort to have an external locus of control? I’d be looking for someone, anyone to blame for my suffering. Which neatly explains the vehement hatred of anyone not on board 100% with the Genderist project, and it explains the obsession with making every nook and cranny of life conform to the ideology. “If transition isn’t making us happy,” they think, “then there must be something out there that’s preventing it from working, even if we can’t see it. We must find it and destroy it.”

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