What kind of madhouse

What a mess we are.

As more and more details emerge about the recent unfortunate exercise in Second Amendment freedoms at Michigan State University, there are a couple that not only stick in the throat, but also make you wonder even more deeply what kind of madhouse in which we’ve all been living for the past few decades. From Fox2 in Detroit:

When Jackie Matthews was 11 years old, she was inside a classroom in Newtown, Connecticut, when children were shot and killed. Now at 21, she’s a Michigan State student and was just a few feet away from where a gunman killed at least 3 other students. Jackie shared her story on TikTok, recounting the moment she sat crouched in a classroom in Newtown when a gunman shot and killed kindergartners at Sandy Hook Elementary. She said that she suffered PTSD fracture in her lower back and every time she is in a stressful situation, the pain flares up. “The fact that this is the second mass shooting I have lived through is incomprehensible,” she said.

That’s not even the only one, Charles Pierce tells us.

And from another recent exercise in Second Amendment freedoms just a few miles up the road from MSU. From The New York Times:

Ms. Riddle, the Oxford High graduate who is now at Michigan State, remembered hiding in the band room in high school the day of that 2021 shooting. On Monday night, she and her roommate barricaded their dorm room door with a dresser and their bathroom door with a hamper, and hid under their desks. “I was trying to make myself as small as possible,” she said.

Sssssssshhhhhhhhh. Guns are more important than people.

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