A First Minister inventing the three sexes of M, F and rapist

Dennis Kavanagh has a stemwinder of a thread on Sturgeon. Since so many of you are allergic to T_____r I’ll quote it instead of showing.

2/ Sturgeon embraced an unreal, elite fad because she mistook it for gay rights 2.0. It should have been obvious from the start this was not the case had she listened to women and gay groups making the point that without sex, there is no same sex attraction as a great woman said.

3/ The FM not only embraced the madness of dangerous legislation, she took on the clothes of those who push this extremism in the form of their disinclination to debate and contempt for any dissent and she did so claiming to be a champion of Scots democracy.

I like that metaphor – disinclination to debate and contempt for any dissent as clothing.

4/ The result was pure absurdity. A FM inventing the three sexes of M, F and rapist. A FM saying TWAW but not that one, that’s an individual. A FM calling more than half the country homophobes, racists, transphobes, you name it. This is governing against your people, not for them.

5/ The corruption of gender runs deep and this amateur hour experiment with the safety of women and the right of homosexuals to have single sex spaces extended to process. Groups were shut out of the GRA process or told concerns were “not valid”.

6/ Such well founded, obvious, and inevitable concerns turned out to be well founded within a matter of days of the legislation. Locked in the gender prison, Sturgeon was unable to adjust course or construe any comment as anything other than hate.

He’s a dab hand with the metaphors, Dennis is.

7/ This is what happens when democracy becomes gendocracy. When you prefer the ideological male voice from the UN over the two female ones concerned with VAWG and, disgracefully so far as her record goes, torture. To achieve a comment from the latter in a Western State is galling.

That last sentence is confusing. Maybe “a comment” is a stray; the sentence makes sense without it.

8/ The core of the ideology the FM embraced cannot hold; with characteristic foresight Joyce subtitled her book “when ideology meets reality”, precisely what happened here. The cosy merry go round of gendocrats met the real world – the legacy is chaos and a diminished figure.

9/ Sturgeon leaves office having set back the cause of independence. Of achieving remarkable polls in which Scots support a Tory SoS deploying s35. She leaves office with the plausible criticism her policies exposed the most vulnerable women there are to danger.

10/ This is the epitaph of gender. “No debate” means no feedback mechanism. Bad policies just get worse. Bad governance becomes more insular and self repeating. Even good politicians begin to look like amateurs. This is what happens when you govern from outside the real world.

This, or Afghanistan.

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