Concerns have been raised

Forced teaming in journalism:

A public consultation is under way on planned laws to ban conversion therapy for sexuality or gender in Scotland.

Sexuality and “gender” [i.e. gender ideology] are two different things and should not be discussed as a pair.

The proposed ban has raised concerns from those who fear attempts to counsel people struggling with their identity could be seen as conversion therapy.

Conversion therapy refers to practices “aiming to change or supress a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity”.

Only because captured news outlets like the BBC keep shoving them together. Conversion therapy for sexual orientation has nothing to do with awareness that people can’t change sex.

During a visit to LGBT Health and Wellbeing in Edinburgh, [Equalities Minister Emma] Roddick told BBC Scotland News the ban would apply to “so-called therapy services” or “coercive behaviour” that tried to change someone’s sexuality or the gender they identified as.

Not the same thing, not the same kind of thing.

Ms Roddick added that a parent would only be criminalised if they caused harm to their child who was coming out as gay or transgender.

See above.

However, concerns have been raised about the scope of the proposed laws and the lack of clear definitions in the legislation. The LGB Alliance, a charity supporting lesbian, gay and bisexual rights, said they were concerned that new laws on gender identity could outlaw any response to a child questioning their gender “other than affirmation of their self-diagnosis”.

Scottish trustee Rhona Hotchkiss, a former women’s prison governor, said: “We know that the majority of unhappy children presenting at gender clinics describe themselves as same-sex attracted. The affirmation-at-all-costs approach hurts confused young people – most of whom would grow up to be happily lesbian, gay or bisexual if left alone by the gender industry.”

See how the two are different? Growing up to be happily lesbian, gay or bisexual is a good outcome; being “affirmed” as trapped in the wrong body, not so much.

She added: “‘Transing away the gay’ is the real conversion therapy.”

Ms Hotchkiss also questioned why the consultation document used the term LGBTQI+ throughout because same-sex attracted people had their own needs and were disadvantaged when “force-teamed” in campaigns by TQ+ lobbyists.

Exactly. BBC: listen to Ms Hotchkiss.

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