Give him a glass of water

Mind like a steel trap:

…the miracle of magnets still appears to stump some people, including Donald Trump.

At a recent rally in Mason City, Iowa, the former president went on a rant about the [fragility] of magnets while complaining about the Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier.

Simply put: The ship has an electromagnetic aircraft launch system that relies on very large magnets.

“They had a $900 million cost over on these stupid electric catapults that didn’t work. They had almost a billion dollar cost over on the magnetic elevators,” he said. “Think of it, magnets. Now all I know about magnets is this: Give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets.”

That is, of course, not how magnets work. They work just fine underwater.

He didn’t say underwater. He said “a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets.” It has to be a glass of water, it has to be dropped, the person doing the dropping has to be Trump.

The former president has repeatedly brought up his fixation with the carrier, its electromagnetic catapult system, and the bizarre claim that magnets don’t function with water.

“They want to use magnets to lift up the elevators,” Trump said in a July 2021 interview with a Princeton professor. “I said magnets will not work. Give me a cup of water, throw it on the magnets, you totally short out the system. They said, ‘How did you know that?’ I said, ‘Because I know that.'”

There’s that thing he does again. “They said” – who said? They. Yes but who? They. Also, no they didn’t. Just like the people who, according to Trump, said “How did you do that???” when he said “woman man person camera tv” they didn’t say what Trump said they said. Nobody rushed up to say how brilliant he was, for the simple reason that no one thought he was brilliant and no one felt like saying he was. So when he talked about throwing a cup of water on the magnets no one hastened to congratulate him on his mind-bending genius. No one. And he doesn’t know that. He made it up, which is not the same as knowing it.

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