Guest post: No not that kind of born as

Originally a comment by maddog1129 on We see you, Jonathan.

All the noise and agitation comes from transwhatevers: biological males who wish that they had been born as females, who want to be accepted as such, and for everyone else to play along.

I’ll take some issue with the emphasized language. I don’t believe for one minute that many, if any, really “wish that they had been born female.” They sit in a privileged spot, having been born male, such that they will never know or understand the second class citizenship (at best! At worst, it’s enslavement status) that is baked into being born female. They never wish for that! Oh, no! They can see the disadvantages of being actually born female, but they have no real inkling what it’s actually like to live it.

They never sign up for the drudge work of being female: the unpaid household labor, the childcare responsibilities, the invisibility, the imprisonment, the exclusion from public life. They only want the outer trappings — the clothes, the hair, the being deferred to in the chivalric sense of having doors opened for them, having their meals and gifts paid for by someone else. They absolutely abhor what would go along with being an actual woman: being ignored, being talked over, being shunted aside, being invisible, being excluded, being looked down upon, being paid less, being oppressed in the million and one ways that women are oppressed.

They like having their cake and eating it too: invading women’s spaces, taking women’s places, beating women at sports and taking their team spots, placements, wins, trophies, prizes, scholarships, and everything else. They love the opportunity to be champions and victims at the same time! They like being able to lie with impunity, being able to force everyone else to play along and validate the lie, and to punish anyone who won’t play along.

No, I doubt that any of them genuinely wishes to have been born female.

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