Including sinners

Hey, here’s an idea, don’t put any religious messages in secular public spaces. But also yes, calling us all “sinners” is especially obnoxious and intrusive. That’s true even when it’s GB News saying it.

Outrage has been sparked by a King’s Cross display board featuring an Islamic teaching that describes people as “sinners” who must “repent.”

On the 9th day of Ramadan, the holiest month for Muslims, the central London train station featured a “Hadith of the day.”

Well don’t. Just don’t. Don’t feature a psalm of the day and don’t feature a hadith of the day. Just leave it alone. You’re a train station, not a church or a mosque. Mosques don’t put up billboards advertising railway journeys, so why should railway stations be advertising Ramadan?

It says: “The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) [Peace Be Upon Him] said: All the sons of Adam are sinners but the best of the sinners are those who repent often.”

Shut up.

A Network Rail spokesperson said: “King’s Cross station is made up of a diverse and multi-cultural workforce and at times of religious significance, messages such as these are displayed to celebrate the station’s diversity and inclusivity.”

It’s the opposite of diversity and inclusivity to announce that we’re all sinners.

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