A distraught woman has sent me this photo of Sacred Heart Mission’s “Women’s” House in St Kilda, Melbourne, covered in trans ribbons.
The woman who is a DV survivor and fearful of men has had to self-exclude from the crisis service, which is explicit about its inclusion of… pic.twitter.com/cLrAGEwWJf
‘Honestly you couldn’t make it up” indeed. However, I would predict that the Catholic Church will never go as far as admitting men (XY) who claim to be women (XX) into nunneries and convents. The Holy Church has a hard enought time attracting women into careers as celibate ‘religious’ as it is, without having men with likely diabolical intent stalking their corridors and lurking in their cloisters. Likewise, a trans-inclined male would have no sexual motive to study for the priesthood, or to become a teaching brother or a monk.
Such men when posing as women usually stick out like doggies’ proverbials. Could give their nunnery, convent, or calling a bad name.
One of the functions of religion is to provide defense against the spread of radically transformative ideologies. If a religion fails to do this, then it fails to do its job. I can’t think of many more radically transformative ideas than this nonsense and the Critical Studies that support it.
But Omar, the real test, is whether the Catholic Church can bring itself to believe that people without testicles can do the magic trick with the water and wine. My late mother was terrified of the idea of female priests (she had a not terribly well disguised priest fetish.) She liked to say she was glad she wouldn’t live to see such a thing. I don’t see she had anything to worry about except that the first female priest will probably be a woman pretending to be a man.
If a trans woman is not “injured in the stones” as the KJV says, I don’t see why a “woman” cannot issue the sacraments. Meanwhile female Catholic lay ministers administer rites in low population density areas where priests often serve two parishes. Best funeral I ever went to was run by a female Deacon. It was also the worst funeral I ever went to. Painful death of a severely disabled child.
‘Honestly you couldn’t make it up” indeed. However, I would predict that the Catholic Church will never go as far as admitting men (XY) who claim to be women (XX) into nunneries and convents. The Holy Church has a hard enought time attracting women into careers as celibate ‘religious’ as it is, without having men with likely diabolical intent stalking their corridors and lurking in their cloisters. Likewise, a trans-inclined male would have no sexual motive to study for the priesthood, or to become a teaching brother or a monk.
Such men when posing as women usually stick out like doggies’ proverbials. Could give their nunnery, convent, or calling a bad name.
One of the functions of religion is to provide defense against the spread of radically transformative ideologies. If a religion fails to do this, then it fails to do its job. I can’t think of many more radically transformative ideas than this nonsense and the Critical Studies that support it.
It’s happened at least once. Tia Michelle Pesando:
I imagine it went just like this:
But Omar, the real test, is whether the Catholic Church can bring itself to believe that people without testicles can do the magic trick with the water and wine. My late mother was terrified of the idea of female priests (she had a not terribly well disguised priest fetish.) She liked to say she was glad she wouldn’t live to see such a thing. I don’t see she had anything to worry about except that the first female priest will probably be a woman pretending to be a man.
If a trans woman is not “injured in the stones” as the KJV says, I don’t see why a “woman” cannot issue the sacraments. Meanwhile female Catholic lay ministers administer rites in low population density areas where priests often serve two parishes. Best funeral I ever went to was run by a female Deacon. It was also the worst funeral I ever went to. Painful death of a severely disabled child.