Oh and sorry about the murders
A new depth plumbed by Newsweek.
Nearly 18 years after killing Jennifer Hawke-Petit and her two young daughters during a home invasion in Connecticut, the murderer formerly known as Steven Joseph Hayes says she’s now at peace — though still haunted by the killings she regrets.
Well he shouldn’t be at peace. Killing three people for giggles is not something anyone should be at peace with.
Hayes — now Linda Mai Lee after finalizing a name change this month — and accomplice Joshua Komisarjevsky, now 44, were sentenced to death for the attack, which included sexual assaults of Hawke-Petit and her 11-year-old daughter. The pair, who previously met at a halfway house, doused the family’s home with gasoline and set it ablaze. Hayley Petit, 17, and her younger sister, Michaela, died of smoke inhalation, while Hawke-Petit was strangled by Lee after they returned from a bank where she was forced to withdrawal $15,000.
Not killing alone; killing by torture plus sexual assault. Peace should be way out of reach.
In exclusive comments to Newsweek, Lee, 61, said her former anger had been fueled by the question of her gender identity. Now, she said she finally felt comfortable living as a woman in the Oregon State Penitentiary, where she is serving six life sentences for the killings of Hawke-Petit, 48, Hayley Petit, 17, and 11-year-old Michaela Rose Petit in Cheshire on July 23, 2007.
“For the first time in my life I am happy to be alive and do not want to die,” Lee told Newsweek via email on Jan. 15, adding she intends to resume hormone replacement therapy shortly.
Why is Newsweek shoving this putrid pile of excrement in our faces?
It’s a man who wrote it – one Joshua Rhett Miller, “chief investigative reporter.” This isn’t investigation, it’s ass-kissing – and the ass belongs to a man who murdered three female people. Newsweek thinks this is good stuff? It doesn’t notice anything insulting to women about it?
The vast majority of inmates in Oregon State Penitentiary are men, but Lee said she is able to wear makeup, eye shadow, foundation, eyeliner and even lipstick on occasion. She also cherishes her jewelry, including rings and necklaces, as well as bras, panties and what she called a “slightly feminized” uniform.
Panties??? Wtf? Is this whole disgusting story a pretext for some dude to drivel about bras and “panties”? Insult women and infantilize them in the same breath – while rejoicing that their murderer feels happy now.
Had Lee accepted herself earlier, Hawke-Petit and her daughters may still be alive, she said.
“I think about them every day and regret my part in what happened and all the pain I caused,” Lee said.
Jesus christ. His part? In what happened? Murderer says “excuse me” for “his part” in murdering three people while rejoicing at how happy he now is playacting being a woman.
There’s a whole lot more of this garbage. I hope Joshua Rhett Miller is very sorry he wrote it.
Yeah, right. Nice try, dude. If ‘feeling like you should be female’ makes you go out and kill females, then dude, you are sick and perverted.
If you did ‘feel like a woman’, you would have more empathy for what your victims felt. But you can’t feel the anguish of being sexually molested, which they had to endure before they died. You can’t feel the fear a woman feels when encountering a male in her home. What makes you think you have any right to ‘be a woman’?
Why does ‘gender identity’ make so many people fawn over such a person? It’s like all ethics and morals are null and void the moment you say “I feel like a woman”. (Not to be applied to people who actually are women.)
I’ll tell you what; I’ll give up the ‘privilege’ of being a potential victim of murder or domestic violence, menstruation, and child birth if you’ll give up your claim to be a woman.
Is this the next angle they’ll be working? They’ve pushed the ‘let kids transition or they’ll kill themselves’ line so hard and so often that it’s probably lost its effectiveness even on those who didn’t see it as emotional blackmail all along. And besides, there are a lot of people who are hard to be moved by the theoretical plight of other people’s kids. Time to make it personal with ‘let kids transition or they’ll grow up to rape and murder your wives and daughters’.
Yeah sure, but it would be a real crime if someone were to misgender or deadname the perpetrator.
So, once again, which one is it?
1. No true
Scotsmantranswoman is a threat. Any trans-identified male who commits sexual assault is not really trans but a “cis” man pretending to be trans in order to prey on women.2. No one who isn’t trans would ever claim to be for nefarious ends. The perpetrator must be allowed to serve in a women’s prison, the victim must be forced to refer to her rapist as a “woman” (who committed rape with “her penis”), and the rape must enter the public record as committed by a “woman”.
You cannot have it both ways.
This guy is all but openly stating we must cater to trans women’s fantasies of being women, lest we trigger a triple arson / rape / murder.
This is truly disgusting. I’ve long thought we need a version of damnatio memoriae for these sort of people (admitted mass killers and the like). Let their names never be spoken in public again and for fucks sake don’t treat them as celebrities (and probably worse) experts. But of course Zombie Newsweek, as I’ve been known to call it, doesn’t give even the slightest of fucks. It just shuffles on infecting all it touches with it’s corruption.
“damnatio memoriae”
Something along the lines of the person who became POTUS 45 & 47 being recorded as President “Orange Shitstain” in histories?
You know, if I was trans, I’d be inclined to view this Newsweek tripe as insinuating that there’s something murderous about trans people who don’t get their way, and kick up a stink. (Maybe they’d fear that I’d become murderous if they didn’t write less dreck!)
This rush to eschew reasoned interrogation in order to pander for what I’m assuming are cynical, capitalistic, click-baity reasons, rather tends to produce this kind of outcome. They ignore the logic, and hence the implications of what they’re saying. Probably a lot of the target audience reads it in-kind.
Of course, the unintentional back-handed slur against trans-identifying people is hardly the worst thing about the article. It’s just another symptom of one of the underlying journalistic pathologies addling Miller’s mind; a whole heap of willful not-thinking-things-through.
No, this is all before considering the level of misogyny required to be so blithe about the crimes being discussed. There’s not an ounce of empathy for what that eleven year old girl went through at the end of her life.
I’m left wondering if the willful suspense of logic is undertaken in service to the misogyny – to make such brain farts easier – or if it’s there as a part of a general policy of self-serving behaviours. “Don’t use reason! You may see an implication you’re not allowed to see!”
F***ing AI is more reflective than and can mimic compassion better than this. It’s hard to feel sorry about the prospect of the Millers of this world loosing their jobs to the bots.
I’ve “felt like a woman” all my life and have NEVER felt the urge to rape and murder. Am I womaning wrong?