All entries by this author

Koran or Human Life: Which one is more important to Muslims?

Apr 2nd, 2011 | By Leo Igwe

I have been asking myself this question for some time but I have now decided to ask it out loud following the chilling news coming out of Afghanistan. The news is not something new. It has become a recurrent feature in many Islamic countries.

Yes, my question is this – which one is more valuable to our muslim friends – is it the Koran, or human life? Is it Islamic piety or respect for this one life we have? Is it this real temporary life in this world or the imaginary eternal life in the hereafter?

Because it is now confirmed that at least 10 more people have been killed and over 45 injured in Southern Afghanistan during a protest … Read the rest

Salafis’ turn to democracy alarms Egypt *

Apr 2nd, 2011 | Filed by

“If the constitution is a liberal one this will be catastrophic,” said Sheik Abdel Moneim el-Shahat, scoffing at new demands for minority rights.… Read the rest

Karzai announced the Koran burning on Thursday *

Apr 2nd, 2011 | Filed by

“Karzai’s speech itself provoked people to take such actions,” said Qayum Baabak, a political analyst in Mazar-i-Sharif.… Read the rest

Comment is Free asks a disgusting question *

Apr 2nd, 2011 | Filed by

Is Terry Jones morally responsible for the murders in Afghanistan? Yes, it’s a provocative blasphemy. No, it’s a free speech act.… Read the rest

Women who would otherwise have been housewives

Apr 1st, 2011 3:24 pm | By

Oh good grief.

[David] Willetts blamed the entry of women into the workplace and universities for the lack of progress for men.

“Feminism trumped egalitarianism,” he said, adding that women who would otherwise have been housewives had taken university places and well-paid jobs that could have gone to ambitious working-class men.

Yes, and working-class men who would otherwise have been miners had taken university places and well-paid jobs that could have gone to ambitious women. What about it?

Everybody could always have been and done something else; so what? It’s no more inevitable or Right or How Things Ought to Be that women “are” housewives than it is that working-class men “are” miners. The university places and well-paid jobs … Read the rest

David Willetts says women took men’s jobs *

Apr 1st, 2011 | Filed by

Women who would otherwise have been housewives had taken university places and well-paid jobs that could have gone to ambitious working-class men.… Read the rest

Friday Friday

Apr 1st, 2011 12:46 pm | By

Watch out for Fridays. Maybe stay home on Fridays, with the doors locked and barred and sheets of iron over the windows. At least, if you live somewhere like Pakistan or Afghanistan, do that.

Thousands of demonstrators angered over the burning of a Koran in Florida mobbed offices of the United Nations in northern Afghanistan on Friday, overrunning the compound and killing at least seven foreign staff workers, according to Afghan officials…The incident began when thousands of protesters poured out of the Blue Mosque in Mazar-i-Sharif after Friday prayers and attacked the nearby headquarters of the United Nations.

Correlation is not causation, but when thousands of angry men rush out of a mosque after Friday prayers and attack a … Read the rest

Stanley Fish gets something not wrong *

Apr 1st, 2011 | Filed by

He is bothered by “the spectacle of a court declaring with a straight face that the state-mandated display of crucifixes has nothing to do with religion or indoctrination.”… Read the rest

Another problem solved

Apr 1st, 2011 11:25 am | By

What a relief: it turns out that religious schools don’t exclude after all. Whew!

The Catholic school accommodates plenty of non-Catholic children whose parents are often African Christians who choose to send their kids to a school with a specifically religious ethos.

In other words, they find a denominational school, even if it is not of their own denomination, more congenial than a non-denominational or a multi-denominational school.

This is an absolutely key point. It blows out of the water the assumption that denominational schools somehow ‘exclude’ anyone not of their own denomination.

Ohhhhhh, I see. I was confused all this time. I thought “exclusion” could apply to students of other religions as well as other denominations, and to … Read the rest

George Johnson on Laurence Krauss’s Feynman bio *

Apr 1st, 2011 | Filed by

In “Quantum Man” we see a master mathematician who could concentrate on a problem for hours and then recast it in a surprising new manner.… Read the rest

Afghanistan: 10 UN workers killed by mob *

Apr 1st, 2011 | Filed by

The incident began when thousands of protesters poured out of the Blue Mosque in Mazar-i-Sharif after Friday prayers…… Read the rest

To say religious schools exclude is nonsense *

Apr 1st, 2011 | Filed by

Because they exclude only the non-religious, and who cares about that?… Read the rest

Nick Cohen notes: they missed the story *

Apr 1st, 2011 | Filed by

The Arab uprising is annihilating the assumptions of foreign ministries, academia and human rights groups with true revolutionary élan.Read the rest

The Godly are always there in the wings

Mar 31st, 2011 4:53 pm | By

Howard Jacobson is cautious about revolutionary elation.

Let’s not get too carried away by the secular nature of the revolutionary zeal engulfing the Middle East right now: the Godly are always there in the wings, waiting for the hour in which they can claim the victory as theirs and restore tyranny, only in their image. Maybe it won’t happen this time – I doubt it, listening to protesters saying they don’t mind what comes next, so long as the process is democratic, as though a democratically elected theocracy is somehow better than any other kind.

Really. I do wish people would get that straight.

Much has been made over the last weeks of the youthful passion of the demonstrators,

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Gingrich predicts an atheist US dominated by Islamists *

Mar 31st, 2011 | Filed by

He said so at Pastor John Hagee’s Texas megachurch. Srsly.… Read the rest

Howard Jacobson on the revolutions *

Mar 31st, 2011 | Filed by

The Godly are always there in the wings, waiting for the hour in which they can claim the victory as theirs and restore tyranny, only in their image.… Read the rest

Howard Jacobson at Index on Censorship *

Mar 31st, 2011 | Filed by

“It’s not just writers who are the enemy now; it’s language itself.”… Read the rest

Louis Theroux revisits Westboro Baptist church *

Mar 31st, 2011 | Filed by

The family regard it as their duty to “rejoice in all of God’s judgements” – murders, natural disasters, the loss of loved-ones to carnality and fornication.… Read the rest

Spain investigates the stolen babies problem *

Mar 31st, 2011 | Filed by

Franco set the precedent, and then it became a racket.… Read the rest

Whither higher education? *

Mar 31st, 2011 | Filed by

And what is it, anyway? An expensive but meaningless credential, a ticket to debt, vocational training, or education?… Read the rest