All entries by this author

Nisbet’s Latest Nonsense *

Mar 30th, 2009 | Filed by

Dawkins ‘uses the trust granted him as a scientist’ to ‘stigmatize and attack various social groups.’… Read the rest

NGOs out, polio in

Mar 29th, 2009 5:15 pm | By

The dear dear Taliban – so wise, so reasonable, so helpful.

In a recent broadcast on his illegal FM radio station, Taliban commander Maulana Fazlullah said, “All NGOs should leave Swat because they are creating problems for peace.” Fazlullah has also described all Pakistanis working for NGOs as “enemies of the country”. “They come and tell us how to make latrines in mosques and homes. I’m sure we can do it ourselves. There is no need for foreigners to tell us this,” Taliban spokesman Muslim Khan said.

He went on to explain in more depth:

Muslim Khan told IRIN, a news network run by the United Nations, that “NGO is another name for vulgarity and obscenity. They don’t want us

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The archbishop gives the BBC a damn good scolding

Mar 29th, 2009 12:46 pm | By

This seems rather bossy.

Dr Rowan Williams warned Mark Thompson at a meeting at Lambeth Palace that the broadcaster must not ignore its Christian audience. His intervention comes amid mounting concern among senior members of the Church of England that the BBC is downgrading its religious output and giving preferential treatment to minority faiths.

Warned? Must not? Intervention? Well, those are all the Telegraph’s words, to be sure, not the archbishop’s. But all the same, it seems somewhat peculiar (to me anyway) for an archbishop to be attempting to tell the BBC what to do. Where in the bible does it say what proportion of time the BBC has to give to Christianity?

As a public service broadcaster, the

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Taliban Blocks Polio Vaccination in Swat *

Mar 29th, 2009 | Filed by

Taliban militants have obstructed officials from vaccinating over 300,000 children, saying vacs are an anti-Muslim plot.… Read the rest

Taliban Tells NGOs to Leave Swat *

Mar 29th, 2009 | Filed by

‘NGO is another name for vulgarity and obscenity. They want to take away the veil from our women.’… Read the rest

Mary Honeyball on Blair’s Aggressive Christianity *

Mar 29th, 2009 | Filed by

Faith is and should remain a personal eccentricity, not something to be forced on others in any way whatsoever.… Read the rest

Atheists Debaptize, Churches Grow Gloomy *

Mar 29th, 2009 | Filed by

The 26 Lords Spiritual could now have their position undermined as the number of people being debaptised grows.… Read the rest

Archbish of Cant Demands More Xianity on BBC *

Mar 29th, 2009 | Filed by

‘As a public service broadcaster, the BBC has a duty to provide religious programmes.’ Eh?… Read the rest

Reporters Without Borders Outraged About Ban *

Mar 29th, 2009 | Filed by

‘The Council has just dealt a severe blow to the freedom of expression it is supposed to defend.’… Read the rest

US Rep Opposes UN ‘Defamation’ Ban *

Mar 29th, 2009 | Filed by

Congressman Trent Franks urged ambassadors to reject the resolution on ‘defamation’ of religion.… Read the rest

The way of saying something is part of what is said

Mar 28th, 2009 5:31 pm | By

Kenan Malik makes a crucial point about this vexed issue of style and tone and manner.

Anticipating the arguments of Rushdie’s critics that there is a difference between legitimate criticism and unacceptable abuse, the Law Commission pointed out that ‘one person’s incisive comment (and indeed seemingly innocuous comment) may be another’s “blasphemy” and to forbid the use of the strongest language in relation, for example, to practices which some may rightly regard as not in the best interests of society as a whole would, it seems to us, be altogether unacceptable’. In other words, the way of saying something is part of what is said. To say that you must write differently is in practice to say that you must

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Sharia in Swat *

Mar 28th, 2009 | Filed by

Clerics with no knowledge of how to run a court have taken away what human rights protection the State once offered. … Read the rest

Hitchens on the Surrender of Swat *

Mar 28th, 2009 | Filed by

We know what happens to countries where vicious fantasists govern illiterates with the help of only one book.… Read the rest

Texas Freedom Network: Science Takes a Hit *

Mar 28th, 2009 | Filed by

The word ‘weaknesses’ is out but there are still plenty of potential footholds for creationist attacks.… Read the rest

Killer Text Messages *

Mar 28th, 2009 | Filed by

Rumours of deadly SMS messages are symptoms of a worrying rise of superstition in Egypt.… Read the rest

Women Told to Commit ‘Honor’ Suicide *

Mar 28th, 2009 | Filed by

Women are told they have ‘dishonored’ the family, then locked in a room with rat poison.… Read the rest

Do Religions Have Rights? Further Pages from The Victim’s Handbook

Mar 28th, 2009 | By R. Joseph Hoffmann

The passage of the Organization of the Islamic Conference’s “anti-defamation” resolution by the UNHRC is a completely non-momentous event, the kind therefore that will evoke cries of anguish from outraged friends of liberty everywhere. It is another installment in the non-luminous history of an increasingly irrelevant organization that seems only to be in the business of brokering perks, passing unenforceable resolutions, and offering obnoxious pedants a chance to grouse about America and Europe.

Crafted by the Pakistani delegation, the resolution urges states to provide “protection against acts of hatred, discrimination, intimidation and coercion resulting from defamation of religions and incitement to religious hatred in general.” Essentially, its force is diminished by the simple fact that the twenty-three nation majority voting … Read the rest

Must We Always Cater to the Faithful? *

Mar 27th, 2009 | Filed by

The truth is that faith is not compatible with science or reason; why not just say so?… Read the rest

Religion and Science, Again *

Mar 27th, 2009 | Filed by

NOMA simply grants religion a privileged place as an equal to science, when it deserves no such prestige.… Read the rest

Texas Board of Ed Rejects Anti-evolution Rule *

Mar 27th, 2009 | Filed by

Board narrowly rejected bid to require that ‘weaknesses’ in ToE be taught in Texas science classes.… Read the rest