All entries by this author

Not so Fast

Mar 16th, 2006 5:52 pm | By

It’s great that the Home Office is taking on forced marriage. But in looking at their page on the subject, I was unable to help looking at things in the margin of that page, which prompted feelings of dread and nausea and revulsion. So I clicked one of the links and the feelings got worse. Is this just me? See what you think. The page in question is called (the nausea begins already) ‘Faith Communities’.

Multi-cultural communities are often multi- faith communities and this should be fully recognised in policies aimed at promoting diversity. Fostering understanding and respect between different faiths is vital in practically implementing community cohesion strategies.

Partly it’s just the language. It’s the irritating insistence on … Read the rest


Mar 16th, 2006 5:23 pm | By

Just to let you know, a system crucial for B&W’s functioning seems to have shut down completely, so if it all freezes or disappears, that’s why – it’s not because I’ve run off to the fjords.

Meanwhile I’ll just keep going as long as it works. Who knows, maybe that will be years!… Read the rest

John Gray on Dennett and Wolpert *

Mar 16th, 2006 | Filed by

Relies on claim that belief is peripheral to religion, and calls others ‘naive’. Hmm.… Read the rest

Intelligent Design and Stupid Education *

Mar 16th, 2006 | Filed by

Cultural critics of ‘the dominance of the scientific elite’ lay the groundwork.… Read the rest

Home Office: ‘Faith’: Forced Marriage *

Mar 16th, 2006 | Filed by

‘Forced marriage is an abuse of human rights and cannot be justified on any religious or cultural basis.’… Read the rest

Foreign Office on Forced Marriage Unit *

Mar 16th, 2006 | Filed by

‘Forced marriage is not a religious or cultural issue – it is a global human rights abuse.’… Read the rest

UK Drive to Reduce Forced Marriages *

Mar 16th, 2006 | Filed by

‘Forced marriage is a form of domestic violence and a human rights abuse.’… Read the rest

Julian Baggini on Treating Nations as Responsible *

Mar 16th, 2006 | Filed by

What is not ultimately fair or philosophically defensible is sometimes nevertheless indispensable. … Read the rest

John Sutherland Talks to Julia Kristeva *

Mar 16th, 2006 | Filed by

Claims she has ‘patented’ three ideas.… Read the rest

Anti-abortion Group Posts People’s Addresses *

Mar 16th, 2006 | Filed by

Call people ‘baby murderers’ then provide their addresses. Nice.… Read the rest

Letters on Wiesltier’s Review of Dennett *

Mar 16th, 2006 | Filed by

Everyone thinks it’s stupid and bad and awful. Very pleasing.… Read the rest

Take That, Leon

Mar 16th, 2006 1:58 am | By

Now this is satisfying. A lot of people telling the infuriating smug NY Times what a crap review that review by Wieseltier was. It would be all the more satisfying to see Wieseltier admit as much and express remorse and embarrassment at the horrible juvenile abusive spittle-flecked tone of it – but this is satisfying all the same.

Sam Harris:

Wieseltier writes with triumphal smugness about the “excesses of naturalism” that apparently blight Dennett’s work. He might as well have pointed out the “excesses of historical accuracy” or the “excesses of logical coherence.” If utter naturalism is a sin, it is one only from the point of view of religious faith — a faith that has grown ever more

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Out of Order

Mar 15th, 2006 10:42 pm | By

Not a good day. A frustrating day, a malfunctioning day, an irritating day. Email problems – or perhaps correspondent problems. It can be so hard to tell. When someone ignores several emails, you may decide ‘well, I guess I can take a hint (however belatedly)’ and stop emailing, but then when the same person emails on unrelated subjects, you think ‘Hmm, did my emails not get through?’ so you ask – only to be ignored again. Then you scratch your head until the blood drips onto the floor and the cat squalls in alarm, wondering whether what we have here is an email problem or an irritating correspondent problem. This causes bad temper and a strong desire to be in … Read the rest

Sympathetic to Husbands of ‘Difficult’ Women *

Mar 15th, 2006 | Filed by

Well, after all, she did remove her burqa.… Read the rest

Taliban ‘Roving Envoy’ Goes to Yale *

Mar 15th, 2006 | Filed by

Blames Ministry of Vice and Virtue, though he defended it in the past.… Read the rest

Education Ministers Say Silly Things *

Mar 15th, 2006 | Filed by

Worker needs not vocational knowledge but research skills, imagination, rigour in thought and argument.… Read the rest


Mar 14th, 2006 6:33 pm | By

Thought for the Day. Via Deborah Lipstadt’s blog History on Trial, from a correspondent

Although I am not anti-semitic, your Jewish greed is overbearing and crippling.Read the rest


Mar 14th, 2006 | By

The cartoons of the prophet Mohammed were published in the Jyllands-Posten on September 30. On October 17th the Egyptian newspaper al-Fagr reprinted some of the cartoons (calling them a ‘continuing insult’). On October 20th ambassadors from ten majority-Muslim countries complained to the Danish prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who said, ‘The government refuses to apologize because the government does not control the media or a newspaper outlet; that would be in violation of the freedom of speech.’

Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs Aboul Gheit wrote to the Danish PM and the UN. In December the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour, sent a letter to the Organisation of Islamic Conferences, which had complained about the cartoons. … Read the rest

The Court Laughed in Their Faces *

Mar 14th, 2006 | Filed by

Two blunt sentences in Kitzmiller decision punctured an illusion crafted by proponents of ID.… Read the rest

Rousseau and Hume *

Mar 14th, 2006 | Filed by

A book that strives more to amuse than to illuminate.… Read the rest