All entries by this author

Maybe There’s a Paragraph Missing

Jun 18th, 2005 8:25 pm | By

Had lovely fishing trip. Caught a shark, a couple of eels, a sting ray, and an otter that seems to have been dead for some time. All made a very nice bouillabaisse, served with aioli and a hearty pain de compagne and some Chef BoyArDee canned ravioli. That’s the best meal I’ve had in awhile!

But life is not all holiday. Back to the dear old religious hatred bill. Frank Dobson does a not very compelling job of arguing for it in the Guardian, it seems to me. Maybe I’m missing something.

Do you believe that anyone should be allowed to incite hatred against other people on the grounds of their religious belief? I don’t, even though I have no

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Joan Bakewell Asks a Recurring Question *

Jun 18th, 2005 | Filed by

Why are religions so tough on women?… Read the rest

Alarm About African Boys ‘Sacrificed’ *

Jun 18th, 2005 | Filed by

Police report says trafficked children are being branded witches by pastors. … Read the rest

Dutch Immigration Minister Orders Imams to Leave *

Jun 18th, 2005 | Filed by

Justice ministry said imams tried to recruit Muslims for Jihad.… Read the rest

Collection of Wobbly Arguments *

Jun 18th, 2005 | Filed by

Is that the best they can do?… Read the rest

Martha Nussbaum on Henry Sidgwick *

Jun 18th, 2005 | Filed by

Insistence on ‘point of view of the Universe’ not as obtuse as had been thought.… Read the rest

Sartre Wanted to Be Both Spinoza and Stendhal *

Jun 18th, 2005 | Filed by

Easy and tempting to mock Sartre as poseur and hypocrite.… Read the rest

Amartya Sen on the Argumentative Indian *

Jun 18th, 2005 | Filed by

Indians are not all ‘spiritual.’… Read the rest

Magic vs. Modernity

Jun 18th, 2005 | By Thomas R. DeGregori

In the European Enlightenment, the belief was that science and reason
would soon sweep myth and magic into oblivion. For some, myth included
religion while others operated in terms of some variant of Deism or even
Theism, believing that there was an unknown power beyond what was known and
knowable to humans. In fact, many scientists, then and now, could fully
exercise their religious convictions and interpret them in such a way as
not to allow them to interfere with scientific understanding. For those for
whom there was no conflict between science and religion, it was because
particular statements or religious beliefs about the way the things work
always gave way to emerging facts and theories of scientific inquiry.
Science … Read the rest

Like an Anglican Clergyman From Central Casting

Jun 17th, 2005 7:40 pm | By

Well, that’s one way of looking at it.

The story of science and religion since the Middle Ages has been one of estrangement rather than conflict. When the Aristotelian synthesis shattered, science and theology drifted apart, becoming at last disconnected universes of discourse.

Quite a good way, if you want to avoid talking about some obvious inconvenient facts. Quite handy to pretend that science and religion are just two ‘universes of discourse’ as opposed to two fundamentally different enterprises. Shifty, though. For one thing, how did we get from science and religion in the first sentence to science and theology in the second? Shifty, shifty. But the crucial move of course is to call science a universe of discourse.… Read the rest

Theological Thickness *

Jun 17th, 2005 | Filed by

Christian theology has its own sources, insights, methods, and internal logic.… Read the rest

Evangelical Bullying at Air Force Academy *

Jun 17th, 2005 | Filed by

‘Focus on the Family’ across the street, New Life church up the hill.… Read the rest

Public Relations Disaster for Pakistan *

Jun 17th, 2005 | Filed by

Perhaps the work of ‘more loyal than the king brigade’ around Musharraf.… Read the rest

Mill and Russell Speak Up

Jun 16th, 2005 8:45 pm | By

And while we’re on the subject of ‘Intelligent Design’ and the people at the ‘Discovery Institute’ and so on – I just feel like aiming another kick at the design argument. I know I’ve done it before, I’m repeating myself, but – but I’m not sure they get shouted at enough about this.

Okay their big thing is ‘_____ is too complex to have come about without a designer. _____ is irreducibly complex, so a designer must have designed it, because otherwise it wouldn’t be there, being so complex and all.’ Complex things can’t just happen. A hurricane can’t whip through a junkyard and leave a 777 behind. An inebriated chimpanzee can’t shred a pile of old newspapers and end … Read the rest

Bad Astronomy Speaks Out

Jun 16th, 2005 7:02 pm | By

Okay – so apparently you’re not sick of the sound of my voice even if I am. (Well you wouldn’t be, would you – because if you were, you wouldn’t be here. Unless you’re all a pack of masochists who go out of your way to read stuff that you’re sick of. But that’s not likely either, because in fact if you’re masochistic and want to read stuff you’re sick of, you can find plenty of stuff you’re sicker of than you are of me. I’m quietly confident of that. Really. I happen to know [this is a little-known fact, but I’ll make you a present of it] that there is quite a lot of boring stuff on the Internet, … Read the rest

‘Bad Astronomy’ on Creationist Astronomy *

Jun 16th, 2005 | Filed by

The Discovery Institute looks beyond biology…… Read the rest

Today Reporter Tells How He Got the Story *

Jun 16th, 2005 | Filed by

Why Sita Kisanga agreed to talk to BBC about the ‘witchcraft’ child abuse case.… Read the rest

But Mai Needs Her Passport *

Jun 16th, 2005 | Filed by

Mukhtar Mai has told the BBC her passport has been confiscated.… Read the rest

Pakistan Lifts Travel Ban on Mukhtar Mai *

Jun 16th, 2005 | Filed by

Mai welcomed decision, had been planning to travel to US at invitation of human rights group.… Read the rest

Pakistan Lifts Travel Restrictions on Rape Victim *

Jun 16th, 2005 | Filed by

US State Department and human rights groups objected.… Read the rest